Study, design and prototyping of a system for the mapping and classification of cases at risk of river and lake basins through the use of autonomous robotic systems and advanced sensory platforms.
Fund for technological innovation (F.I.T.) art. 14 of law 46/82 – Ministerial Decree of 7 July 2009 (Startup call)
Status: concluded
Participants: SI2G, UNIVPM, IDEA
Description: Design and development of an innovative sensory data acquisition system and related software layers for classification, visualization and data processing for the determination of the hydrogeological risk to a specific water basin. The sensory platform allows 3D mapping, visualization and complete monitoring of the natural and anthropogenic morphological elements of river systems (from small streams to large rivers), lake systems or, more generally, of basin systems in order to the monitoring of these environmental entities for prevention and planning of risk reduction and safety measures.
The sensory acquisition system and the data classification, visualization and analysis software layers make use of commercial robotic platforms, extending their typical functions to advanced basin mapping.
This system is able to operate in stand alone mode and as a payload for robotic platforms, such as UAVs (fixed and / or rotary wing) and USVs, thus allowing it to extend its functionality.